B.A. in English (Linguistics), Minor in Communication Studies, Certificate in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language. The University of Montana.
M.A. in Linguistics (Sociolinguistics & Anthropological Linguistics). California State University, Long Beach.
Teaching/Research Interests:
My primary interest is the effects of Coaching, Neuroscience and Special Needs Education on the acquisition of ESL/EFL. I am also interested in teacher training and creating educational materials.
Publications and Professional Presentations:
“The Complete Guide to English Writing” (2014).
“The Advanced Guide to English Writing” (2015).
“English Prepositions” (2015).
“Think, Read and Write CRITICALLY” (2016).
“イメージで比べて分かる 前置詞使い分けBook” (2018).
B.A. in Secondary Education in English, Concordia University.
Teaching Credential (English) obtained at Aichi Gakuin University.
Teaching interest:
I have developed and I am teaching the original ESL/EFL curriculum named “PELA Program,” which allows students to engage in the well-balanced learning of four English skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. My current clients are mainly middle and senior aged learners at any English proficiency level although I have strong background in teaching English to high school students (at a private high school), as well as Japanese expats living in the United States.
B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies, Concord University.
The following graduate level Linguistics courses completed at California State University, Long Beach: Syntax, Phonology, Discourse and Grammar, Bilingualism, Second Language Acquisition, Sociolinguistics.
Teaching interest:
I am currently a full-time English language instructor at a university in Kyoto, Japan, as well as an instructor trainer at a language institute. My primary areas of teaching include the TOEIC/TOEFL preparation and the English conversation for business. I am primarily interested in effects of communicative approaches in the classroom on learners’ score improvements on TOEIC.
Administrative Services Coordinator
B.A. in Sociology, Hosei University.
Teaching Credential for Early Childhood Education
Teaching interest:
Through my working experiences in Australia and Singapore, I learned the importance of human-centered leadership in the global business scene. Therefore, I believe the combination of teaching Business English and Coaching will benefit Japanese business professionals. I am currently responsible for the Coaching Sessions of Self-Governance Course for Global Business Professionals Foster Program. In addition to Coaching, my interests include supporting International Exchange opportunities, web writing (blogging) and web marketing.

宮下瑞生 / Miyashita, Mizuki
Education & Experience:
Dr. Mizuki Miyashita is an Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Montana. She earned a Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Arizona (2002). Her specialization is sound pattern analysis in Native American languages. Her dissertation concentrates on syllable analysis of Tohono O’odham (formerly known as Papago, an endangered indigenous language spoken in Southwestern Arizona and Northern Mexico). She has presented and published several articles in phonology and Native American languages. Her current research interest is Blackfoot phonology. Her research in Blackfoot aims to contribute both to linguistics research and language revitalization.
Research interest:
Blackfoot Linguistics
Dr. Miyashita has been studying the Blackfoot language spoken in Alberta, Canada and Montana, US. Her interest is to investigate prosody of the language as well as to promote the use of the language assisting the Piegan Institute and the Language Culture Division at the Blackfeet Community College.
Phonology in a Yamagata Dialect of Japanese
Dr. Miyashita is interested in phonetics, phonology, and morphology in a Yamagata dialect of Japanese particularly spoken in Kahoku-cho (Yachi), Yamagata-ken.
Currently, she is researching on Rendaku in this dialect as a member of the group directed by Dr. Timothy Vance at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (INJAL). She is also collaborate with Dr. Mark Irwin at the Yamagata University in developing the Rendaku Database.