









働いている親御さんはDay Care(保育施設)にお子さんを預けることもあり、Day Careはそれぞれ場所によって受け入れる年齢や時間を決めることが出来ます。そのため、2才まではDay Careに行き、3才からは幼稚園に行き始めるお子さんもいれば、5才でKindergartenに入るまでずっとDay Careに行くお子さんもいます。






  1. Make simple drawings (ex. house, person, tree, dog)
  2. Hold crayons like a pencil and use scissors appropriately
  3. Name basic colors and shapes
  4. Listen to adults and follow instructions
  5. Can sit for a 15-20 minute activity
  6. Share, take turns, and raise their hands
  7. Play with other children nicely, keeping their hands to themselves
  8. Express their needs verbally
  9. Take care of basic needs on their own (ex. going to the bathroom, washing hands tying shoes, blowing noses, and taking off jackets)
  10. Recognize their possessions backpacks, lunch boxes, jackets, etc.
  11. Gets at least 8 hours of sleep each night
  12. Shows interest in books, turn pages, pretends to read (looks left to right when ‘reading’ a book)
  13. Recognize capital and lowercase letters of the alphabets (out of order)
  14. Recognize and write their name
  15. Know the sounds that letters of the alphabet make
  16. Hear the first sound in a simple word like ball
  17. Hear words that rhyme, like in CAT IN THE HAT
  18. Recognize and count numbers to 30


Los Alamitos Unified School District, Kindergarten Orientation より



もちろん、これらのスキルが身についていなくても問題はありません。子どもの成長時期は個々異なります。ただ、Kindergartenは単にアカデミックなスキルを伸ばす場所ではなく、ソーシャルスキル(社交性)、エモーショナルスキル(感情コントロール)、そして身体発達を伸ばす場所でもあります。ですからKindergartenでは、Overall Skills(全体のスキル)が到達度評価にて評価されます。


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