
I am going to talk about why talented and smart people like you don’t feel and act confidently even though you can and you should from other people’s point of view. Then, what stops you from being confident?


Mitsui, Naoko (ミツイ 直子)
Director of Lang Leaves Education & Lang Leaves Academy, Founder & Executive Director of ETAJ


4月 23, 2017 - 9:00 am


4月 23, 2017 - 10:00 am

“Being a professional coach, I am not here to introduce a new teaching technique or brand new materials.

I would like to talk about mechanism of confidence from a coach perspective; what makes us act confidently, and how we can gain our confidence.

Being a Japanese myself, I can say that developing confidence was a challenge, and at the same time, it has been rewarding in many aspects of my life. And I would like to share what I learned from my experience.”


New York 在住のプロコーチ、出口浩子さんが、今回、ETAJ のために講義スタイルでコーチングセッションをしてくださることになりました。





「The Source of Confidence: Self-Value and Spirit of Contribution」


“You see or meet people who are confident. And they make you wonder if confidence is some type of privilege to certain people.

Also, I am sure you see or know people who was timid and acting scared at first, but grew confident over time, or who learned to act confident as a skill.

Is confidence something you are born with, or is it something you learn?

It’s like a riddle with a chicken and an egg. Which comes first?

I am going to talk about why talented and smart people like you don’t feel and act confidently even though you can and you should from other people’s point of view. Then, what stops you from being confident?”


(All the quotes here are excerpted from Ms. Ideguchi’s session agenda.)


浩子さんのお話の後には、ETAJ 代表理事のミツイ直子が浩子さんと共に







【日時】日本時間 4月23日(日) 午前9時~10時


【参加費】ETAJ Web会員:無料
一般:U.S. $10






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